

The real meaning of Manseng is difficult to discern. Several ideas face each other. The most credible one today is the one according to which Manseng comes from the Oc “Manseng”, itself derived from the latin “Mansus”. Mansus is to be linked to whatever relates to important houses, like manors. Vines cultivated in those places where called “noble” vines, giving quality wines. This can be explained by the conformation of the grapes and the low yields. Another explanation would be the linking to a geographical place of origin. We find in literature a few names of places linked to the word “Mans” but there’s no real ground to find a true concordance. Lastly, we find in Spain close names such as the Mencia vine or even vines close from an ampelographic point of view like Albariño. Current genetic techniques should be able in the near future to give us an answer to this hypothesis. Finally, Petit relates to the size of the berries and the yields. Petit Manseng is therefore considered as the most qualitative of the Manseng vines.